The Russian Fund for Education and Science


The Editorial Board of the journal invites authors to submit articles, shorter notes, translations of source texts, book reviews and other materials to the following e-mail address: The style and formatting of the submitted manuscripts should be as follows.

Articles should not exceed 60000 characters, shorter notes should not exceed 20000 signs, book reviews should not exceed 40000 characters.
The typeface of the main text (in Russian, English etc.) is Times; Greek fonts should be in the Unicode.

All materials except reviews must be accompanied by lists of keywords in Russian and English and abstracts in Russian and English (for authors who do not speak Russian, in English only), as well as by brief information on the author (full name, academic degree, affiliation, e-mail address and postal address, ORCID). Abstracts for articles and for large essays (more than 2000 words) should not be smaller than 200 words.

References to scholarly literature are to be given in footnotes (numbered continuously) according to the following scheme: author's surname (Latin transliteration for Russian surnames), year of publication, colon, page number. References to different works are to be separated by a semicolon.
Example: Ivanov 1999: 536; Jones 1967: 67–68.

Successive references to several works by the same author are to be separated by a semicolon without repeating the author's name.
Example: Ivanov 1999: 536; 1972: 56–59.

When more than one work published by the same author in the same year is referred to, they are to be distinguished by alphabet letters.
Examples: Ivanov 1999a: 536; Jones 1967b: 67–68.

When a (foot)note or an illustration is referred to, its number is to be given after a comma.
Examples: Ivanov 1999: 536, fig. 2; 1972: 56, n. 2; Jones 1967b: 67, n. 13; 1983: 45, fig. 3; Müller 1982: 38, Anm. 1.

References to ancient sources are to be given in accordance with to the following example:
Hom. Il. II. 641; Strab. XV. 1. 7; Arist. Poet. 22. 3. 1458 a 22.

A list of academic literature used should be given at the end of the article (for book reviews, overviews of bibliography and shorter notes adding this list is not obligatory, but is nevertheless recommended whenever a conrtibution contains references to scholarly literature). The structure of the references is as follows.
For books:
Zhmud L.Ya. 1994: Nauka, filosofiya i religiya v rannem pifagoreizme [Science, Philosophy, and Religion in Early Pythagoreanism]. Saint Petersburg.
Жмудь Л.Я. Наука, философия и религия в раннем пифагореизме. СПб., 1994.
Burkert W. 1962: Weisheit und Wissenschaft: Studien zu Pythagoras, Philolaos und Platon. Nürnberg.
For articles and book chapters (the first and the last page of the work in question has to be specified):
Saprykin S.Yu. 2005: Enkomiy iz Pantikapeya i polozheniye Bosporskogo tsarstva v kontse I – nachale II v. n. e. [An Encomium from Panticapaeum and the Situation of the Bosporan Kingdom in the Late 1st to Early 2nd Century AD]. Vestnik drevney istorii [Journal of Ancient History] 2: 45–81.
Сапрыкин С.Ю. Энкомий из Пантикапея и положение Боспорского царства в конце I – начале II в. н. э. ВДИ 2 (2005): 45–81.
Melikova-Tolstaya S.V. 1937: Antichnyye teorii khudozhestvennoy rechi [Ancient Theories of Literary Speech]. In: Trotskiy I.M. (ed.) Antichnyye teorii yazyka i stilya (antologiya tekstov) [Ancient Theories of Language and Style (An Anthology)]. Leningrad. 155–177.
Меликова-Толстая С.В. Античные теории художественной речи. В кн.: Троцкий И.М. (ред.) Античные теории языка и стиля (антология текстов). Л., 1937. 155–177.
Gasparov M.L. 1997: Topika i kompozitsiya gimnov Goratsiya [Topoi and Structure in Horace's Hymns]. In: Gasparov M.L. Izbrannyye trudy [Select Works]. Vol. I: O poetakh [On Poets]. Moscow. 490–523.
Гаспаров М.Л. Топика и композиция гимнов Горация. В кн.: Гаспаров М.Л. Избранные труды. Т. I: О поэтах. М., 1997. 490–523.
Bréguet E. 1962: Le thème alius… ego chez les poètes latins. Revue des études latins 40: 128–136.
Hershbell J.P. 2005: Philostratus's Heroikos and Early Christianity: Heroes, Saints, and Martyrs. In: Maclean J.B., Aitken E.B. (eds.) Philostratus's Heroikos: Religion and Cultural Identity in the Third Century C.E. Leiden. 245–262.
Pasquali G. 1968: La grande Roma dei Tarquinii. In: Pasquali G. Pagine stravaganti. Vol. 2. Firenze. 5–21.

Abbreviations: In bibliographic descriptions in languages other than Russian abbreviations of journal titles are to be avoided. Other abbreviations are acceptable. A list of abbreviations must be appended to a manuscript according to the following example:
ВДИ – Вестник древней истории. М.
TLL – Thesaurus Linguae Latinae. Lipsiae, 1900–2010.

Romanization of Russian names and words must be in accordance with the recommendations of the 17th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style, i.e. with the following rules:

а > a
б > b
в > v
г > g
д > d
e > e, ye1
ё > ë, yë2
ж > zh
з > z и > i
й > y
к > k
л > l
м >m
н > n
о > o
п > p
р > r
с > s
т > t
у > u
ф > f
х > kh
ц > ts
ч > ch
ш > sh
щ >shch
ъ > "3
ы > y
ь > '
э > e
ю > yu
я > ya

1 Ye initially or after a vowel or ъ or ь, otherwise e.
2 Yë initially or after a vowel or ъ or ь, otherwise ë (00EB in Unicode).
3 201D in Unicode.

If there exists a different tradition of romanizing a name of a certain Russian scholar, especially in works published outside Russia, an established variant is to be chosen. Examples: Подосинов А.В. > Podossinov A.V. (not Podosinov), Жмудь Л.Я. > Zhmud L.Ya. (not Zhmud'), Ростовцев М.И. > Rostovtzeff M.I. (not Rostovtsev). When describing translations of works by foreign authors into Russian, the author's name should be given as written in the original language, rather than in back-romanization. Examples: Bowra C.M., not Boura S.M.; Ernout A., not Ernu A.

Articles that do not comply to the present guidelines will be rejected.
If a building becomes architecture, then it is art